Veteran's Day Parade
Well, covering all the holidays at once here!
On Veteran's Day we went to the parade with our friends the Bowmans. I really missed having my dad there, as he is a proud Army veteran. And he should be. Mom, Karen and I are all proud of him too. I think that is why this parade gets me all choked up now. I don't know why I love the Veterans day parade so much, but I feel like we really have to go every year. Less and less people seem to come to watch. I remember when I was little Main Street was 5 people deep. Now you are lucky to see 5 people total. OK, it's a bit more than that, but it's really sparse. Such an important thing too, wish more people would see that. My favorite part is the period costumed soldiers who shoot their muskets-or really old guns-whatever they are. See how cool they look?
The kids were really into it-
And Hannah Montana, I mean KT, posed for the camera!
She is so cute.
We also saw them on Football Sunday and I took a few shots. Here is one of my favorites-these girls are really close-I'd say BFFs for sure.

So great to have such great friends living so close by.
Wow, think I'm just about caught up-for now anyway!
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