Artistic validation. It's a great feeling. And I am fortunate enough to have gotten some a few weeks ago.
In early January my camera club went on a field trip to a local national park. I didn't even know it was there. It was an old cotton mill that used to make fabrics. We toured several mill buildings and it was so interesting to learn all the history that was so close to my home. And the photography opportunities were amazing. I so rarely get to shoot just for me these days. Time is going by so quickly and I have so many irons in the fire. It almost seems silly to keep shooting at all sometimes, I'll never catch up on my editing. But I decided this would be fun and Mark was willing to watch the kids for me while I went out to shoot.
It was the most fun I had with camera in hand in a very long time. It was so different, yet all the techniques and rules were the same. Trying to capture history, when I am so used to trying to capture the present, was a real step outside of the box. Challenge is good, and a new perspective helps keep you on your toes.
I always try to see something different through my lens, take that shot that no one else has seen. That was difficult with about 12 of us hanging out shooting in the same spaces, but I managed a few that I think were fairly unique. Part of the reason for the field trip was to get more entries for the local photography contest that the park was running. I was happy with some of my shots so I thought, what the heck, I'll throw a few in there too.
Well, lucky me, one of my images was picked as a finalist! I was so excited when Mark texted me the great news. Over 450 images were entered and mine is one of 20 now hanging on the wall of the museum.
I have been working hard on my photography over the past few years, and have received many compliments from friends and family. I am lucky enough to have tons of support and an endless supply of willing models through various friends and the studio! I love hearing that they like my work, but to hear it from someone that I am not related to, or friends with, really meant something to me. It sparked a drive, and an enthusiasm to continue on. It gave me validation.
I am not even sure why validation is important, but it is. Art is so subjective. I could love something and someone else could hate it. That is just the way it is. I try to look at things as whether or not I like it. If I like it that should be enough. But it's hard sometimes not to get frustrated, especially when an image I am happy with doesn't score well at camera club, or a shot I adore from a portrait session isn't purchased. Just part of the package I guess.
So here it is. My first museum piece of art. I'd love to know what you think of it! Please just don't copy it! :)!

Thanks for listening...
Nice Job! You are a great photographer!!!
I love it, Kristin! This picture brought to me a memory of my grandmother...who has been gone for years. She worked in a fabric mill as a young woman and that is what this image brought to my mind. Amazing how art, in many forms, can evoke an emotion or memory. It was unexpected and made me smile.
Congratulations on the validation. It is important to know that someone, beyond ourselves, appreciates what we do.
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