Random Stuff from a Random Chick
All content, including images and written content, on this blog are property of KKG Photography. Any copying or unauthorized use of this content is strictly prohibited.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First Day of First Grade!
What an exciting day here-Paige had her first day of school at New Searles Elementary. Her teacher is Mrs. Carlson. She has been so anxious to start and couldn't wait to get there, since it doesn't start until 9AM! That is a big change from the 7:15 drop off she is used to! Daddy was going to join us today, but since he had a meeting at work, we had to change plans. So we all got up early, made waffles (from scratch-you'd think we live in Rowley!) and had a big family breakfast together. Of course, I followed her to school and caught the moment in time in pixels.
Paige and Katie-

Paige and Daddy-

Paige and Mommy-

Walking to school-

It is so hard to believe how fast she is growing-just for fun-here is a shot from last year's first day of school!

What a difference a year makes, so not a little kid anymore! And look-we had flowers in the pot. That didn't happen this year!
Until next time....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Summer vacation is finally here. A whole week at camp and it's been great. I didn't even get upset when it rained this morning. Loved the excuse to do nothing. I mean nothing. And we did nothing in our PJs. Even better. I will admit, it is killing me that I am away from my computer and recent Sr shoot photos. Sorry girls-I will post as soon as I can! They are going to be perfect.
I did LOVE going out on the boat. We had our first family excursion on the SS Garland Sunday. The girls had a blast. We brought a picnic and just enjoyed the water. By the end of the trip both girls were standing up holding onto the supports yelling "faster daddy faster!" I even pulled in a 10 inch pollock. No, we didn't cut it up for more bait-I am a live and let live kinda fisherman. I hope we have a few more days on the water soon!
Well I am off to do nothing again-probably asleep early. Big beach day tomorrow. Yeah!